
Urban Land Institute Rose Center Study

ULI’s panel presentation to the Rose Center for Public Leadership in regards to A Shared Vision for Shockoe Bottom. This is for reference only and not solely focused on the Shockoe Valley Streets project.

Powerpoint Presentation [PDF]

HB-2 Application

Original scoping document for the project. The project has evolved through preliminary studies to include a signal at Oliver Hill Way/Broad Street/17th Street instead of the originally proposed roundabout. Roundabouts are proposed at Oliver Hill Way/Venable Street, Mosby Street/Venable Street, 18th Street/Venable Street, and Mosby Street/Leigh Street.

HB-2 Application [PDF]
Conceptual Project Sketch [PDF]

I-95 / I-64 Overlap Study

VDOT study completed for the I-95 and I-64 area to identify potential transportation improvement projects. This study is for reference only and not solely focused on the Shockoe Valley Streets project.

I-95/I-64 Overlap Study
I-95/I-64 Overlap Study Final Report [PDF]

Shockoe Alliance Study

Presentation by the Shockoe Alliance on their Unified Vision of the Shockoe Bottom Area. This study is for reference only and not solely focused on the Shockoe Valley Streets project.

Powerpoint Presentation [PDF]